Never give your banking information (account numbers, card or transaction details, etc.) or personal information (e.g., your social security number, birthdate, etc.) to a caller, even if your Caller ID shows the bank’s phone number or the caller indicates that they are an employee of the bank. Known as “spoofing”, fraudsters can fake caller IDs and make it look as though they are calling from the bank.
Do not provide sensitive information in response to an incoming call, email or text message.
- If you receive a call requesting your information, you should ask for the caller’s name and phone extension and then hang up and call the number listed on our website or on the back of your debit card. We will never be offended and will understand that you are taking the appropriate precautions.
If you receive an email or text message requesting sensitive information, do not respond. To report the activity, contact us at the number listed on our website or on the back of your debit card.
Never disclose your online/mobile banking password or debit card PIN to anyone. We will never ask for your password or PIN information.
We use one-time verification codes (sent to you via text, email or phone) to confirm that certain requests or transactions were initiated by you. One-time verification codes should only be entered by you in our online or mobile banking applications. We will never ask you to tell us the code via phone, email or text. A caller, text or email that asks you to share a verification code is most likely from a fraudster.
You may receive text alerts from us if we identify unusual debit card transaction activity, requesting that you respond with a “Y” (yes) or “N” (no) to indicate if you authorized the transaction. No other information should be provided in response to these text alerts. You should only reply “Y” if you initiated and authorized the transaction or “N” if you did not.
- When you contact our Customer Service Center, always ensure that you are using the phone number listed on our website and on the back of your debit card. We may ask you for information necessary to verify your identify, but only when you initiate the call to us.
Helpful Videos & Links
- Protect Yourself from Fraud
- Elder Abuse: Common Scams and What you Can Do About Them
- Important Tips When Reviewing Your Bank Statements
- Protect Yourself from Bank Check Fraud
- Know, Identify and Prevent Ransomware Attacks
- Cybersecurity Tips for Businesses
- Information Security Brochure (PDF)
- View our interactive Identity Protection video